Interesting! Bren, you seem to blame the US for the thousands of Iraqis who died during the sanctions regime. You must have missed the memo. Billions stolen by Saddam Hussein and his French, Russian and Chinese cohorts. The money that got through did make fine additions to his collection of super palaces while babies starved - but then again, you didn't eat unless you got a government ration card and the Ba'athist Nazi regime had better things to do with their money, the Food for Oil Money. But Bren, makes you feel good to blame the bad old USA, knock yourself out.

You don't really believe the propaganda that the US killed 2500 civilians a day during the bombing campaign of Iraq do you? I suppose it fits in with your world view, so who cares if it's nonsense.

It's very instructive to learn from someone so highly evolved, so seeped in the cruelty of US policies that the images of people sawing off the heads of living human beings doesn't move you. It's personal, It's horrible, it's murder. Doesn't bother you? You are special.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.