I think I have an answer to the "air" question, and have an update:

My 350 sub, (2) QS8s, VP150 and (1)...ummm, that's right, (1) M60 arrived. The other, according to the website, is still in Memphis.

My driver/deliveryman said that sometimes, if a plane is full, they "bump" packages for a later flight. I wouldn't expect anyone to understand what it means to get a complete home theater speaker system minus a "main" speaker, but I would have thought that if they show 6 packages together, they would have "bumped" a "single" package.... it's kinda like bumping grandma traveling with her family instead of the single college student

Anyway, there's a possibility that it might be on a different flight, and at the extreme, still be delivered today, or, slightly more possible, I could pick it up. Still, though, the most likely scenario is getting it Monday.

It kinda sucks, but the other side of the coin is that these speakers look great.... I'm very happy with the ones that were delivered. And, if I REALLY try to make lemonade out of this whole thing, I could make a custom CD with some mono, isolated L & R tracks to compare my current speakers to the new ones. Then when the other M60 comes in Monday, I can compare one that's broken in with one right out of the box!

Don't kid yourself, though, if I have half an opportunity to get the other M60 here, you guys will end up continuing the fight about breaking in speakers, 'cuz I'll be enjoying BOTH of mine!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::