Actually they sound very well together. So well that something interesting happened tonight while watching Dodge ball.

About 1 hour into the movie I noticed I actually was just enjoying the movie. I hadn’t once been drawn to the center speakers sound...........I actually forgot about it! This is something that hadn’t happened with either my old Infinity center or my VP150.

WOW! I was actually enjoying a movie without being distracted, finally great sound that doesn’t draw attention to itself. This was the 1st time I actually got to enjoy a movie this way. Who would have thought it would be something you don’t hear that would make all the difference.

I know many talk of timbre matching etc. but I honestly think having a subtle timbre difference in the center channel indeed makes it more realistic. You have to try it to see what I mean but now the sound is not dominated by a certain character, just as in real life everything in your surroundings has its own range, it adds to the dimension.