I can tell you my new Axiom cable sounds fabulous hooked up to either speaker right now ; )

You're right about the "break-in" theory. I don't know what a typical "break-in" involves, timewise, but it'll certainly have a few hours on it by the time The Other Half arrives.

At the moment - I'm running one M80 on the Right, and one Altec VOTT on the left, a nice mix of furniture. It gives the visual impression that I'm listening to a lobster...one giant claw...

So far - totally unscientific - the Altec is holding its own SPL-wise, but it DOES sound "horny" now, dangit. There's probably no turning back at this point!

Really - what amount of time do the Break-In-O-Philes recommend?

Footnote - yep, it was well beyond a dinged corner. I am not kidding when I tell you, I opened one flap of the box and saw the crossover. It was lying next to one woofer. The bottom of the cabinet is totally MIA.

Having already dealt with SVS, Outlaw (twice) and AV123 in the past few months without a hitch, I was surprised, but now consider myself fortunate with the others!