Have you talked to Axiom yet ? Wouldn't hurt to give them a call.

Just to be clear, ANY of the subs you mentioned will be more than enough for very dramatic HT performance... you just might find that when everyone is out and you are cranking up the volume as high as you want, there might be a few seconds in a few movies where you need to back off just a few dB so the sub doesn't groan.

It just occurred to me that the EP500 has some DSP smarts to adaptively back off when you are about to overload driver or amp, so you might actually find that you can get as much or more effective volume out of the EP500 as the SV. Not sure...

For a reference point, my PSB 6i (12", 200W, relatively small cabinet) is running happily in my brother in law's 8000 ft3 basement (not counting the rooms it opens in to) and it has FAR more power than they need.

Any of the subs you mentioned would be fantastic -- your question was "which would be best" and that's a tough one to answer.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8