I've never been much of a fan of racing in general... nothing against it, just not "into" it.

Then several years ago I went to a local dragstrip and had a pit pass to do some videography. In addition to the more 'local" guys, they also had alcohol, nitro and jet cars. I absolutely understand what you're saying John when you say "you have to be there". The sheer horsepower is just awe-inspiring and when those jet cars warm up and inch their way to the line, the sound that just keeps hitting your chest is more impressive than I've heard from any subwoofer. There was just no way to duplicate the impact in video... you had to be there.

Ireally imagine that most times, not all, when somone finds something "boring", they just don't understand the intrincities of what's going on.

I could never watch golf on TV until I started playing, THEN I understood how difficult it was. I've always imagined that the "slow" pace of watching two guys battle for first place was similar to NASCAR. One guy makes a small mistake, it may or may not cost him the race/tournament depending upon whether they can recover or if their competitor slips a bit too.

Watching someone try to maintain perfection under incredible pressure is entertaining in itself.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::