
The green dot denotes "Hospital Grade" - what is hospital grade? It just refers to a greater grip strength on the prongs placed into it. (So granny's breathing machine doesn't fall out of the wall)

The orange triangle denotes isolated ground. What does that mean if you don't actually have an electrician wire an isolated ground to this plug? About the same as me putting a Corvette 427 plate on a Chevette. Nothing. The second link does show that the ground on the orange plug is "isolated" from the outlet chassis, but then goes on to say the NEC (or CEC in Canada) requires metallic electrical boxes to be grounded (which is true - if a hot lead slipped off or frayed, it could energize the box otherwise!) so it's really a moot point.

The best way to burn off the BS here is... how far does your power come before it gets to you - and do you think your hydro company is using "audiophile" grade parts at each of their power stations? Your house is only a thousandth of a percent of the entire life of your power.

Bren R.