Thats a sweet setup. I had some issues with noise. Thats what I got the first time around. I had to find power supplies (quiet power supplies) that are quiet and hard drive (Seagate drive fluid bearings) that spins quietly. The fans on the AMD is also loud (special heat sink). The fans is loud too on video card (special heat sink) . I ended up with the above setup. Hardly any fans. A little underpowered but everything works up to par and it is DEAD silent now. There also this nice Keyboard/mouse on keyboard combo wireless. All in black looks sweet with handles on side of keyboard to carry about. I picked it up for a mere $32 CDN on sale. I'll send you info on it if your interested.

Quit PC info:

A really really really nice case to match my Rotel. Soon to be shipped. DROOOOOLLLLLLL factor!!!!!!!!!


ps: BTW you got any leads to procure Windows XP media Center Edition. wink wink