Wow! lots of good info in here now. I posted right after 2x6spds and i didn't know al you guys had joined in so thank you to everyone for contributing. This method was described in a magazine article that had 7 pages of movies with surround bass down to 50hz in the surrounds. It's really just a way of simutating a full range speakers in the rear.

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You're Idea with the subs is kinda neat, but I guess it forces the placement of your surround subs.

Did it work well? also does that mean you have 3 subs?

You really do want the subs under the surrounds since they play the bass part of the full range signal below the high pass crossover and the surrounds play the frequencies above the crossover. It's like having full range speakers in the rear, but without a big speaker taking up space and standing tall.

I have four subs two 250w 12" subs for the low pass LFE with one in each front corner and the two high pass 150w 10" surround subs. It sounds like a lot of subs, but the surround ones are just helping simulate full range speakers in the rear while the two front play all the LFE. This setup allows a lot of flexibility, because my center is rated to 45hz and my fronts to 32hz so a 60hz crossover for the fronts and center works great while a 75hz high pass crossover works great in the surrounds. The surround subs catch any surround bass(not LFE) below 75hz while the surround speakers handle everything above the high pass crossover.