Hey Guys and Gals,

Been a while since my last post but I have been a frequent visiter on a near daily basis. This is one of the best places to get info with from some of the nicest folks on the web.

This has probably been asked before but I have not been able find a thread on the subject, ok too lazy to look. Anyway, what offers better lfe/bass output from a sub - the sub-out from the receiver or connecting the lft/rt speaker out to the sub?

Here is a follow up. I have battled a ground loop problem since introducing the EP500 to my system. Tried everything short of calling out an electrician. I currently have it under control using a Jensen product in-line to the sub. If I run my sub off of the lft/rt speakers, might that resolve the ground loop or will it find a different path to my sub?

Thanks eveyone. Can't wait to read the responses.

Axiom stuff, Denon stuff, & Sony stuff