The 680 arrived today! It took almost no time to get it setup, and it is happily controlling all of my devices. I just have the basic config done, which is fine for now. I'll have to use it for a while before I determine what if any extra tweaks I want to do. I think I need a discrete on/off for my vcr, but that is the only thing that doesn't seem just right so far.

No problems with PC Connection, and is effectively got here is one day, if you don't count the weekend. I think it officially shipped Monday morning. I ordered Friday night, but nothing much happenned over the weekend with shipping.

Now I just need 4 rechargeable AAA batteries for it, or maybe 8, so I have a backup group. Anyone found good ones for a good price?

BTW...the 680 still has not reappeared on PC Connection last I checked. Glad I saw it and got it when I did. The price made the 680/676 decision easy.