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this only happens with my record player,

Sounds like a problem for Mr. Infrasonics Filter Man!

Do you have a high-pass, subsonic or infrasonic filter switch on your receiver?

Back in the day.... (I never told any of you guys this) I had an incredibly effective base for my Pioneer TT that I built. Picture a platform 2" high, 15" deep and 15" wide caulked on the interior and filled with Rhode Island's best beach sand.. There was no connected top, but just a 1/8" masonite board that was probably 14 1/4" square resting on top of the sand so it didn't touch anything else. Put 'yer TT on top, and you have a heavy, "dead", isolating platform.

Cleaned up the bass lines from any Ted Nugent album I threw at it!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::