i browse around these boards almost everyday and know that many of the members are adamant and very knowledgable about their H/K equipment and was wondering what the exact advantages (if any) are of the DPR line over their AVR product line? are there any advantages or disadvantages overall and what about sound quality? On the H/K website it says that "it uses digital path topology to link your program sources directly to a powerful amplifier without analog interference"(direst quote from H/K website). is this technology that much better than a receiver that handles both analog and digital signals. i guess i do not understand how this receiver is any better than analog receivers. the reason i am wondering about this receiver is that i can pick one up for under $500 and was wondering if it would be worth replacing my onkyo-801. since i have the ever dreaded disease that everyone one on here talks about "upgraditis". thanks in advance for any help or input that anyone might have.

frenche onkyo 801 hitachi 57s715 m60's