I was gonna email you to see if they would be arriving today, but I see that won't be necessary. I'm jazzed to have you beat on the EP600, too. Although, just to calm the nerves of the Axiom folks, maybe we should choose a less violent term than "beat."

Did you get out your tape measure and prepare yourself for a 45" tall subwoofer? I can't wait to hear your lovely wife's reaction to a subwoofer that's half a foot taller, and half a foot wider than the main speakers. You will, of course, share her comments with us, won't you? (that's assuming they're fit for print)

Are you getting a UFW-12, too? It would be nice to see how those two compare head to head.

Edit: I just noticed that your post was made last night, so they ARE arriving today! OH BOY!

Last edited by Ajax; 08/17/05 01:30 PM.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton