Even the Infocus 4805 can throw 90" from 12'. Actually, that is the 4805's sweet spot/size. Don't "think" your going to see rainbows until he's actually seen it. I've had mine since Jan. and I have had nobody yet see rainbows on the 4805. Keep in mind my screen is 110's and larger the screen the more likely to see rainbows. I do see them on other dlp's though. I figure about 1200 Canadian. Don't skimp out on a pj. Get something with good color/blacks. And don't forget you need a good screen as well. A good screen makes a huge difference. Don't be using some white wall.

Oh, and Forget Sony...just wake him up somehow.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12