You seem a bit preoccupied with other people's opinions of what speakers are better than others. Concentrate more on what you like from a speaker and then let your ears be the judge. Only you can judge the hit on your pocketbook.
Try to ignore the misconception that more cost = better.
It does not.
Is the M22 better than the M3?
The answer is "That depends on who is listening to it."
The M3s have been touted and reviewed as an excellent speaker especially for its price range. The M22 is built with a different configuration so it will obviously sound different. If you did not like the sound of the M3s at all, i'm sure you would not have bought them. If you cannot afford the M22s at this time, then just enjoy your new M3s and continue saving your cash until you can afford the speakers you have your heart set upon.
Speaker companies do not often make changes overnight or every other month. A speaker lineup comes out one year and typically hangs around for several years thereafter. I highly doubt the M22 is going anywhere anytime soon.
Once you do buy another main speaker, the M3s will work fine as surrounds. They can also be sold on sites such as ebay if you prefer getting another speaker in the future.

As for your centre channel, it would depend on your use and size of area you have. If i recall, you are in a relatively small room for listening/watching media. In such case, a large centre channel is really not required and you may even consider eventually buying another M3 for this use, or wait until you change over your main speakers to M22 and fill in the centre with an M2 possibly.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."