I don't know, something here is just weird. The interference on your screen bothers me.

What do you live in? an apt building or complex? house? i ask because I have seen situations with computers dying like this and nobody could figure it out either. that was until I went downstairs or upstairs in these buildings and seen large industrial air conditioners, and furnaces, and large washing machines, etc that when they cut in, they spiked the entire building. I've seen situations where certain equipment like this only turned on at late times at night and that made it even harder to track.

I'd take a long heavy duty extension chord, and plug it in in another place far from the sub and see if the interference was still there.

Anyways, I'm sorry to hear about the bad luck. It could really be just two bad subs. Stuff like that happens to me all the time.

I will tell you that the hsu vtf3 mkii hits @#$@# hard and low, and has to be the fastest 12" I've heard in that price range so I recommend it with ease. Music / movies, it can handle it all. I could not afford the all mighty ep500 so I "settled" for the hsu, and it turns out it's one of the best things I bought.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12