Speaking of which... the S.O. and I are fans of Holmes on Homes (for the Americans, he's a contractor in the GTA - Greater Toronto Area that goes in and fixes up previous "contractors'" work)... gets the right permits, goes above code, that sort of thing.

But his drywallers NAIL drywall... sure, they go back and screw in the "field" of each sheet, but they nail the edges. Nails pop... that's always been a big issue with me (I used to deliver the stuff - by hand back then, one Loadall forklift, and that was for industrial roofdrops!) and I worked insulating after that for some time... I've never worked for a company that drove a single nail in drywall, ever.

Hell, even Supergrabber screws pop if you don't dimple them right...

Bren R.