Unbelievable! The men were all fat and bald and the women had gained 50 lbs!!! Who would have guessed? Tee hee. Actually, most people just looked a little softer than their pictures. Reunion was amazing! Got snubbed by an old girlfriend who had married an old boyfriend of mine (that was definitely the most fun reunion moment) and met up with lots of fun people I hadn't seen in the 13 years since I graduated. Everyone I met was having a happy and fulfilling life, which is why you would go to your reunion, I guess. I even got in trouble in my 'decade' room for not participating properly in the message board system. Ah, just like old times. Loved it!

Thanks for the advice though - it was totally surreal in a lot of respects, and I think alcohol was in fact a necessity. My mind was just whirring after talking to so many people who had stayed in my hometown and catching up on old memories. Alcohol also enabled me to do a perfect Molly Ringwald impression during the 80s dance tunes, which I guess I am proud of ? {giggles}