while waiting for the ht room to be done, my hsu was upstairs on hardwood.

Not a big difference in overall sound vs my new carpet. Part of the reason why they you to put something under the hsu is because the legs are extremely sharp, and with the weight of these hsu's, they'll even pearce some carpet rugs so beware on hardwood. I stuck 4 pennies under my legs, and it worked fine.

Not to mention cheap

Bottom firing, side firing, doesn't matter. If you like to see your woofer or hide it away from kids and careless people should be considered more imho. Some say that down firing has more options to where you can place it in the room....not sure how much truth there is to it. Ask Craigsub

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12