I really miss those days. I remember when I first ordered the M22s. I think I tried to order them 3 times, the first attempts always ended the same way with a basket removal. Finally, after reading some friendly advice from some board members, I crawled back into the ole shoppin' cart and clicked on the order button. Afterwards, thoughts like what have I done swam around in my head. I was afraid I had made a big mistake, but within a day they were replaced with I can hardly stand to wait for these. I was like a little kid staring at all those nicely wrapped packages under the Xmas tree two weeks before Xmas. They finally arrived and I remember thinking, gee, those boxes are really, really small. My wife told me she had never seen me look that disappointed. After I unpacked them, I thought what the hey, I might as well give them a listen. At this moment, considering their diminuitive size I was not expecting much. After hooking them up to the old Yammie, I slowly turned the volume up since I didn't want to harm them because they were so widdle and cute. Surely the receiver would just be too much for them, I thought. It took about 30 seconds for my jaw to drop wide open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I still don't know they got all that sound into those widdle boxes.