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Please explain to me why Def Te c speakers are not Audiophile speakers,and Axiom are.I switched from Axiom to Def Tec and I'm very happy.The VP 150 was my main reason for the switch.

I'll do my best, but I've never been too good and trying to explain things.

First let me point out, this hobby, and damn near everything surrounding it, is all very subjective. So don't take my opinions for anything more then what they are. They're just my opinions.

That said, it's true I probably should have chosen better words to use, other then to just come out and say they're not Audiophile speakers. I certainly do not find them to be, but others very well may. So, again, it's all very subjective.

I do not find Def Techs to come anywhere near the level or caliber of speaker that Axioms are. Not on the whole anyways. They simple just don't do nor offer everything Axioms do.

That said, they DO have their strengths, and they certainly have their advantages. One being their bipolor design. Now again you start diving into the whole subjective thing again, because the cold hard facts are, not everybody digs that bipolor design. Some love it, some hate it, it all pretty much boils down to what applications your using. If it's all or mostly HT, they really shine. Music is debatable. Some find Def Tech to do music well, others find them to do it poorly.

The bottom line here is, there is NO right nor wrong. It all boils down to personal taste and preference. I was very happy with Def Techs. I had a Def Tech system for years before discovering Axioms. So I'm not in any way bashing them or saying Def Tech sucks and Axioms rule! I do feel Axioms do rule though, I just don't feel Def Techs suck either.

Now you said you switched mostly due to the center channel. Well, this the right thread for that issue. This was/is the reason I left Axioms and switched back to Def Techs for a while. I don't find Axioms center channel to be all that great, and personally feel that compared to all their other speakers, they're down right a disgrace. That's just my opinion though, nothing more, nothing less. I simply don't feel they're up to par with the rest of the Axiom line.

It IS important that I note though, just because I don't find the VP100/150 to be up to par with the rest of Axioms speakers, does NOT mean I think they're garbarge either. They're better then a lot of center channels I've heard, they're also worse in some regards. It depends on what your picking on, or better put, analyzing. My biggest issue/complaint with the VP100/150 is, well, I haven't really been able to discribe that very well, or put that into words, but it just seems to lack something. Kind of like it doesn't have the umph that many other centers that I've had experience with has.

The imaging is excellent, the soundstage is fantastic, and the clarity is just outstanding, but it really lacks punch, substance, lower end, whatever. Now some will say, well that's what you have a subwoofer for. Well, my responce to that is, yes and no. I agree with that and I don't agree with that. But I can go on forever on this issue. So to wrap this up, I'll just say, I feel some improvements needs to be made to Axioms center channels. Perhaps a model with 6.5" drivers would be a good start, perhaps not, but I'd welcome it. Cause the bottom line is, it is NOT all about music for everybody. For many, it's about movies, home theater.

In the meanwhile, there's ways to work around this issue. I'll either go with another speaker in their line to serve as my center channel; Or I'll just buy off on the VP150 again, for I never found it to be down right terrible. I can use other equipment in my system to help compensate for what 150 lacks if deemed necessary.

Again, just my thoughts, just my opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. I could be wrong.
