Thanks guys, I haven't come to any firm conclusions just yet. Still toying with things.

On one hand, I'd like to go with Boston, on the other I'd like to go with Mansfield, and of course the wife prefers I go with Black, cause Black pretty much goes with any decor. Not that, that matters much, cause 1. I've got a dedicate theater room, and 2. Well, I'm fixing to remodel it.

I thought I'd figure out which finish I'd go with first, then let that kind of help aid me in which way I go when painting the theater.

I've owned the Mansfield Beech before, so I do know that's a very nice finish. Have yet to actually see the Bostons in person, but going off of pics I've seen from guys who have them here, they look damn sharp. So, who knows at this point. But I'll be making a decison soon, for it's the only thing that's holding me up at this point. I've already decided on which speakers I'm getting, so now it's just selecting the finish.
