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I keep changing my mind every time I think I have it figured out. The only sure thing is the 600 and my incredible abilities with the art of procrastination. Plus, I changed my plans in mid stream. I¡¦m finishing the spa room first now. I thought I could get the Jacuzzi downstairs at a later date, but no, I need it down there now so I can finish a couple walls. I didn¡¦t realize how damn heavy those friggin things are!! 800 pounds!! Down a flight of stairs to boot!!

Procrastination, next to beer is probably man's closest friend!

Oh man, I feel for you on that spa deal Mike, we actually took out a floor level spa a few weeks ago. Fortunately a sawzall helped along the way...we cut that beast up into quarters and toted it off to the dump but the fun part was filling the void in with fill and then mixing and pouring 25 80# bags of Quikrete to floor level.

Funny little story there as well. Whenever we bought the 25 bags of quikrete from Home Depot I parked the cart and a half of quikrete outside and went and got my truck to load it up under drive thru. In the meantime my 5'1" 115lb wife asked one of the 'associates' to help load the bags the dude went into an immediate sob story about how he hurt his shoulder last time he help load concrete and just kept on going on and on about this and that and "why didn't you get 60# bags" and so forth. About 6 or 7 bags into the little tirade he noticed my wife was loading just as many bags as he was, he looked over at me and I gave him one of those 'Ok what was that you were saying....(insert the word Amie deleted from the joke post a couple of days ago)? The dude never said a word after that!
We got in the truck and my wife looks over at me and smiles "That shut him up, didn't it?"

That's why I don't mess with her...too much!

Our Room
