I posted this in the general forum, so I will post it hear to give everyone an idea of what I am looking for. I thought this was the axiom site!

OK, I have dilemma. A new piece of expensive furniture has replaced my current set up which included running two def tech sm450's off an onkyo 939. I use to use the Onkyo 939 for my home theater and upgraded too a denon 4806. So, I placed the Onkyo in the family room/kitchen, where we sit around and enjoy libations and sometimes party until early in the morning. This room is not ideal for dedicated audiophiles, but it is the party place.

Now that I can't use the def tech's anymore (too deep and won't fit on the new $2500 Amish sideboard/Credenza which sports a 42 inch panny plasma) and don't want to hang them on the wall, I have to revert to onwall speakers. So, I want to find the best speaker I can and possibly subwoofer that I can place next to the plasma. The sub would go underneath. My room is "live" as Chris Dixon stated, so I need the speakers to do the work and allow the room to have its deficiencies. So, please recommend to me the best on wall speaker you know of: I have a $5000 tops, budget (two speakers, one sub).

I really was considering Triad silvers, but they have no on wall. I am also considering Triad golds or Bronze. My goal is to hear music as purely as possible relying mostly on the speakers. I also own a Nad 1600/2400 tuner and pre-amp tuner and a rotel 880bx.
My room is approximately 14 by 20, vaulted ceiling, French style ceramic tile, one couch, Kitchen cabinets, a breakfastnook with miscellaneous tapesty rugs on the floors. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Lstly I was looking at the Axiom on-walls AS 150 but there seems to be an incredible amount of controversy over Axioms.

OK, I have dilemma. A new piece of expensive furniture has replaced my current set up which included running two def tech sm450's off an onkyo 939. I use to use the Onkyo 939 for my home theater and upgraded too a denon 4806. So, I placed the Onkyo in the family room/kitchen, where we sit around and enjoy libations and sometimes party until early in the morning. This room is not ideal for dedicated audiophiles, but it is the party place.

Now that I can't use the def tech's anymore (too deep and won't fit on the new $2500 Amish sideboard/Credenza which sports a 42 inch panny plasma) and don't want to hang them on the wall, I have to revert to onwall speakers. So, I want to find the best speaker I can and possibly subwoofer that I can place next to the plasma. The sub would go underneath. My room is "live" as Chris Dixon stated, so I need the speakers to do the work and allow the room to have its deficiencies. So, please recommend to me the best on wall speaker you know of: I have a $5000 tops, budget (two speakers, one sub).

I really was considering Triad silvers, but they have no on wall. I am also considering Triad golds or Bronze. My goal is to hear music as purely as possible relying mostly on the speakers. I also own a Nad 1600/2400 tuner and pre-amp tuner and a rotel 880bx.
My room is approximately 14 by 20, vaulted ceiling, French style ceramic tile, one couch, Kitchen cabinets, a breakfastnook with miscellaneous tapesty rugs on the floors. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Lstly I was looking at the Axiom on-walls AS 150 but there seems to be an incredible amount of controversy over Axioms.

Last edited by wisardd1; 11/29/05 07:47 PM.