I was listening to my Axiom EP500 before I went into work. I was watching Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and noted that the bass was unsually pronounced in the THX opening sequence. During the scrolling prologue, bass agained very prominent. Chalk it up to my inexperience, but I kept watching, and when the Queen ship came, I thought my entire house was about to crumble. The bass was so loud, I thought my head was going to explode.

I checked the subwoofer, and it turns out that somebody in my household (don't know who), cranked the volume up several notches above where I had calibrated it. I quickly recalibrated the sub, reducing the volume by 4-5 notches. So far things sound okay, but I haven't put my subwoofer through the entire gambit of listening tests.

My question is, what is the likelihood that I damaged my sub? Obviously, there is no major damage, but are there any subtle signs that I should be hearing or looking for?

Thanks guys.