Funny thing about the M3s.....once upon a time, not long ago, in a galaxy....uh,...ours. There was a speaker!

Arguably the speaker that put Axiom on the World-w-w map, was the much loved and never complaned about M3.

OK, not everyone loves it, but nobody dosen't like it!! Neutral enough to be honest, but smooth enough not to annoy with its' honesty.

I mentioned last night how, while sitting near the left rear channel; my M3 surrounds did an amazing job of portraying the sound a railroad in operation!! They were incredible! It was just like my memories of being on a train traveling over the tracks and thru the switches back in the 60s!! These babies put out a ton of accurate sound and go remarkably low-I have them crossed at 60 and they integrate with the sub(and my M50s)beautifully! Admittedly they don't have the full-bodied presence of a great set of floorstanders for up front duties, but for rear channel, or center channel, or a smaller space they are an impressive device indeed!

They may be a step down in size, but they certainly couldn't be accused of contributing to "downgraditis"