Surfin’ In Our Axiom Wonderland (Walkin’ In a Winter Wonderland)

Generals, where trolls are posting,
Baiting threads, and newbie roasting.

Pick a topic du jour,
Or some dead horse restored,
Debating in our Axiom Wonderland.

Banned away, are the perverts.
They'll come back, as some alters.

We've seen it before,
They'll do it some more,
Surfing in our Axiom Wonderland.

In the forums we can build a straw man,
And laugh while all the guppies knock him down.

They'll say: We are newbies,
We'll say: We know man,
Your silly comments let us know
When you're around.

Another year has transpired,
And Christmas cheer will inspire.

Happy alters to issue,
Kind holiday wishes,
Posting in our Axiom Wonderland.
