Well I am one of the few who prefer the direct radiating speaker for surround sound on both music and movies. Although I did not test nearly as thorough as chesseroo, I did have the QS4's and M22's in my house and ran multiple tests to see which we (wife and I) prefered.

My opinion is this. There are diffuse sounds in surround movie soundtracks such as rain, applause, traffic etc and there are direct sounds in surround movie soundtracks such as a car zooming past, arrows, gunshots, off screen action events and dialoge etc. It seems like a diffuse speaker like the QS series is better for the diffuse sounds and a direct speaker like M22 is better for direct sounds. For me the choice was fairly easy. When an arrow shot across the room from right rear to left rear the M22 made the sound such that you were nearly ducking on the couch to avoid being hit. The QS4's did its job of producing the sound without localization.. . .but that is not what was intended with that particular sound.

So there is, in my opinion, no hands down winner. But for me the 22's emphasized the direct surround effects in such a way that it was a more enjoyable movie experience whereas the QS seemed to disappear into the background (its job).

Don't know if this helps or makes any sense. I love my axioms and love the 22's as surrounds. In the future, only when I have a different room to play with, I will try a 7.1 setup with QS's and M22's to see what works best but for now in the room that I have it's 22's all the way.

And for music. . . oh my goodness. The 22's paired with the 60's all crossed over at 60hz. . . the sound experience for DVDaudio and SACD's is absolutely spectacular!! It is amazing that people don't know anything about this technology for music listening. It is revolutionary in my ears. . ..too bad they had to have competeing formats though.