This can work to give you more output but it depends on your amplifier. Is your amplifier capable of driving a 4 ohm load? If it is what power does it produce at 8 ohms versus 4 ohms? Further to this do you currently own a sub-woofer? If not, this would be a better next addition to get more from your system. The output from 2 pr of M22s and a sub-woofer will get you in the same range as the M80s. Also, set up of 2pr of identical front channels can be a bit tricky, in fact very difficult to do, without losing imaging and even performance because of the interaction between the two and with the room. I would suggest the sub-woofer option if you have not already done that. If you could post some further information about your system I can see what makes the most sense for you.

Ian Colquhoun
President & Chief Engineer

Ian Colquhoun
President & Chief Engineer