I get scared to listen to tube amps because deep down I prefer the sound they create over solid state but know that I will never be able to afford the nice stuff that is out.

I used to have a sealed Becker subwoofer years ago that I drove with a 5W tube amp (can't remember the make). Listening to some jazz, the tubes gave the electric bass what I felt was some extra grunt that, so far, I have not yet been able to reproduce. Can't really explain it, but I miss it. I used to use a Peavey Alphabass tube amp head with my bass, trying to recreate a similar sound.

Sonic Frontiers, another tube amp (and pre amp) manufacturer. Very nice, very expensive. I don't think I could afford to feed my love for tube amps.

Perhaps I need to go the route of old and used. Sometimes a little hiss but the sound they can make when driving the tubes hard can be sweet.