Hey all,

Love the forum and all the high praises has lured me into taking the plunge. So I've purchased a two room system that will include M22 and EP 350 for one room and M3, Q400, with EP 350 overflow.

I've also been looking at the Integra 6.6 as an AVR component to run the goods.

Now as the funds are beginning to dry up, I'd like some advice on a DVD player and or CD player.

I have a Sony multiple disc CD player (not very high quality CDP-C545) that is about 10 years old and a DVD player that is not even worth mentioning (might as well play vhs).

I've read some comments on here that good dvd players are super inexpensive now (about 100 bucks). So should I purchase cd/dvd players separately. Buy a single dvd/cd unit, or just buy a single dvd player and use the old school sony for now.

I will primarily be listening for music with a movie or two a week.

Budget is about $400 give or take a few bucks.

Sorry for the newbness, but I want don't want the speakers to not be fully utilized!

