Yeah, right now the comparisons are gonna be tough. Right now, not all of the s/w has been converted to run native on the Intel CPUs, so Rosetta has to be used. I was at the keynote address, pretty cool, man some people treat it like a rock concert... The new OSX provided a "properties" switch that can deactivate the Rosetta option to allow programs to bypass Rosetta. Rosetta does run a little slow, as was shown by Jobs running Adobe Photoshop.

It would be interesting to run apps on both G5 and Macintels to compare. The main reason for going to Intel was power. There was no way then could improve laptop performance because the G5 was TOO hot to run on laptop. Ask all the people w/ burn marks from their current powerbooks. IBM dropped the ball big time w/ their false promises of high perf/low power on the the 970 line. What a waste of a good architecture.

I agree w/ Bray's frustration on the quick release of the iMacs. I would've bought one a few months ago but I knew the MacIntels were coming. I bought a Mac Mini and now I'm bummed that the Intel version will come out. I'll be even more PO'ed if the Mac Mini DVR comes out...

Last edited by oldskoolboarder; 01/15/06 01:07 AM.