Sorry to hear you got a lemon. All manufacturers make a few lemons here and there...NAD is no exception. I would simply accept the fact that you were one of the unlucky few and give them another try....especially if you liked what the T761 did for you (sound, performance, looks, etc.)

The T762 is a significant improvement over the T761. If you liked the 761, you should be even more impressed by the 762. IMO, the NAD is simply a better receiver than the H/K. It may not have as many options (some of those which some of us will never use anyway) but it makes up for it in other areas. The NAD is significantly more powerful (at least 30w/channel) and does 2 channel music better than the H/K. I am not suggesting the H/K525 is a's a very respectable piece of equipment. I just think the H/K is outgunned where it counts.

The T762 doesn't do Logic 7 (too bad). However, I suppose if that was important to you, you wouldn't have purchased a non-logic 7 receiver in the first place.

Lastly, the T762 is 6.1 but has 7.1 pre-outs. I also like how the T762 has dual subwoofer outputs (not sure if the H/K does?).