For the amount of praise I received, I'm not sure that some of you weren't under the impression that I built the shelves...which is not the case. They are IKEA "Billy" shelves (two different widths) with some CD Inserts on some of the shelves. Each insert holds 128 CDs, so I currently have storage for 768 discs. I think I'm going to buy another insert or two in case they discontinue the matches my Beech Axioms pretty well. The lights are also IKEA, and though I have two on the shelving units, I bought a third to mount on top of the equipment rack. Maybe tomorrow I'll mount that light and post a photo.

The whole thing only took me an hour to assemble, but it took eight hours to match up the loose CDs with their respective Jewel Cases and alphabetize them.

And, yeah, it's typically that neat! It's only a corner of a room and we don't have kids!

Thanks for all the kind comments, though!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::