Hi folks! In my first post I want to say thanks to all for the good info available here. I've read almost every post on this forum and have been researching components heavily for a few weeks. This greatly helped me decide upon a set of Axiom M80's and a Denon AVR-3803, both of which, I ordered today to launch my new home system. I have not heard the Axioms yet but all the rave reviews CAN'T be wrong. I hope the posts I have read about the Denon being able to sustain the M80's 4 Ohm load (without issues) prove to be true...! I'm starting with my focus upon music and will expand to surround modes as the budget allows (Geeez, good gear is expensive). A tight, thumping sub is next. I want a sub with sufficient power and response (250+ watts). I like my music loud but C-L-E-A-N with lots of headroom for dynamic range. Any sub comments will be fully absorbed and appreciated (Yeah, I know the subject goes on and on but some of us can't get enough good info). Thanks!!!!

The gene pool could use a little chlorine!