>>> Rick needs to find a good pilot to fly him to work <<<

'Who's the best pilot you ever saw?' Never mind.

Rich I set my cruise at 80 on I-95 and set it on 70 (that's pushing it with the cops though) for the back roads and have only been stopped a couple of times in the past 4 or so years....only one ticket doing 52 in a 35 mph zone, everybody else had let me slid. (so far)
I do an hour from my house on A1A, 7 miles south of Sebastion Inlet, through Vero and to the Stuart exit (SR76) and do another 45 minutes on the back roads to Belle Glade. I've passed police on 95 with my cruise set on 80 and they've never glanced my way...do above 80 and they'll nail you though.

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