LOL @ JohnK.

I normally try to avoid discussions such as the ones like the last few replies, but since everyone seems to have a similar opinion, I figured why not:

I am by NO means an audiophile, but I do have a very extensive electronics background. From what I gather, speakers are a mechanical device that does take time to "break-in" just as most any other complex mechanical device.

However, as was noted by JohnK, the break-in for speakers is mere seconds from what I know.

As to the origional poster; well I am a newbie around here, and could be wrong, but so far, looks like I am the only one driving Axioms with a SonyES; the 1000ES specifically. At the time I purchased it, it was the only product that had all the features I desired that fit in my price range, aside from the 2000ES, but I wasn't *quite* ready to try their "digital drive" amps yet, so I stuck with the 1000ES which is traditional class "AB" analog amplification.
