Okay Todd, as Rick mentioned, the PB-10 would be incompatible with your 352, as it's designed for use only with HT receivers having bass management through a sub output. The STF-1 would be suitable, but I'd suggest that you also consider the similar Outlaw LFM-2, which was designed by Dr. Hsu in conjunction with Outlaw. Apparently it's tuned for a slightly deeper bass extension than the STF-1, which would result in slightly less maximum output capability higher up, but this trade-off may be preferred.

Using either of those subs, speaker wire connections could be made in two ways: running separate sets of wires in parallel from the 352 output terminals to the sub and speakers, or running one set of wires to the sub and then running sets of wires from the speaker outputs on the sub to the main speakers(whichever would be more convenient for you, they're identical electrically).

The outputs on the subs don't have a high-pass filter for the speakers, it's a straight through full-range feed(note that the internal crossover in subs has no effect on the main speakers, even when they're connected through the sub, it simply rolls the sub itself off above the selected frequency). So, the HT-1s would run full-range and you'd adjust the crossover on the sub to a frequency that you judged created a good blend.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.