Joe and Noreen,

Our lives are naught but evanescent things --
too short to do all that we'd like to do.
Some make the choice to try and do too much
and end up not being great at much at all.
Some others focus on a few key skills
to master until they are finely honed.
To find someone like this is rare indeed,
but finding two with this philosophy
is rarer still and rightly treasured by
the ones whose lives have intersected theirs.

You two embody all that we admire
about this company and what it makes.
Responsive and reliable, that's you
(though wrapped in lovely vinyl you are not).
Yes. Twenty years can seem quite long for some,
But twenty spent like yours must feel like one.
Please take these words as my sincerest thanks
For being two stars among Axiom's ranks.
Congratulations on your twenty years!
(I hope this won't go straight between your ears.)