OOH! I get it!

With it zoomed out to max, the 16:9 image fills the screen height. The screen ratio is wider than 16:9, though. At 16:9, there would be side bars.

Anything less than 16:9 keeps the same height, but makes the side bars wider.

If it's more than 16:9, it would have top and bottom letterbox bars at that zoom level. But if I zoomed in, I would fill more of the screen height and eliminate the letterbox bars (so long as the screen is wide enough to accommodate the image width). The wider the source aspect ratio, the narrower the side bars, until I hit the aspect ratio of the screen.

Did I get it right?

I would need to get an extension pipe for my projector mount, though, since it's not long enough to hang the projector low enough for me to reach the zoom and focus controls.

Thanks Randy!

BethR - El Dorado Hills, CA
To thine own self be true.