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Can someone tell me when the "V2" designator was started? I have seen it on the forum for awhile. Now I see the V2 in the storefront listings. Also were all the changes made to all of the line? driver/s? crossover point/s? cabinet?

Hi Stone__Man;

We are still in the process of adding the v2 to the sites, but it went into usage at the end of 05 / beginning of 06, to differentiate the current generation of speakers from the original ones. Axiom is constantly making improvements to our speakers, and indeed if you look at an original M80 you'll see an entirely different driver configuration, frequency response, and even cabinet design. Changes to every model of speaker have been made since the line was released - input, in some cases drivers, in some cases crossovers, in all cases cabinet design, etc, etc, and after much discussion it was decided that we should indicate that on the speakers themselves. The performance and hardware changes are cumulative over the last two years, and when we had finished the whole line we added the v2 designation.