Since there is already a thread on QS4 vs QS8s.. I might as well ask here the experts..

My room for HT will be a 14' x 24' room. However, the HT setup will basically reside at one one end of this (ie. in an area 14' x 12'. The other half of the room will be for some other purpose tbd (dining perhaps)..

I'm trying to decide if I really need the QS8s. Overall the room is good sized, but the listening area where people will be sitting isn't. Also, given that the main listening position would a couch on one side against the wall, with TV against opposite wall (ie. Couch approx. 14' feet from TV), and these Surrounds would be located on the wall behind the couch.. The distance from where I'd mount the surrounds to the couch's ends would probably be about 2 feet to the left and right. Do I need QS8s if they only need to carry a few feet or so to where people are sitting?

A more generic question: does the room size matter if the surround position to the main listening position isn't any different.. ie. if theoretically I had a 60'x60' room, but the surrounds are still only a few feet from the listening position, does the size of the surround speaker matter?

Thanks for any help/advice!!