He he he...I like the comments fellas. She is definitely a keeper. She does endure all my hobbies...namely my addiction to that evil game World of Warcraft. It's so darn fun though. If any of you play I'm on the Burning Legion Server, character name is Bowlseye.

Back to the speaker stuff...I got advice from JC and Alan on my setup. The funny thing is they kinda varied on the subwoofer...JC likes a single EP600 over 2 EP500s. Alan likes the 2 sub setup. I think I will go with the EP600 so I don't have buyers remorse and wonder what if anything I'm missing from the EP500. I'm sure it is very minimal but I like to maximze my purchase. Anyone have a thought on this subject??

"What's the writing on that treasure chest say...EP600?"