
I've told this story before, but I don't think it would hurt to repeat it. I also listened to B&W speakers over at the local stereo store while I was hunting for speakers. This B&M sold two brands, B&W and PSB. I listened many times and came to the conclusion that I had to have a pair of B&W 602S3 speakers and they would be the cat's meow, until I got them home. There was either something wrong with this particular set of speaks or my Yamaha receiver just didn't have the oomph to drive them. I was so disappointed I returned them the same day, visited the Axiom board for the umpteenth time and finally ordered a pair of M22s with fingers crossed. When I received them a few days later, they looked so small. The GF told me that I had a severely disappointed look on my face. But, when I hooked them up and had a listen, I was astounded by the sound that was coming out of these little boxes. Judging from that, I would have to say that the M60s or M80s would knock your socks off and you wouldn't even have to take off your shoes. Thank you, Spiff.