Beautiful setup Auzzie! I really love the gloss black finish on the speakers, looks very elegant. I notice in your pictures you have moved the sub from the side wall down to the back corner, did you do this due to better sonics? I agree with Tom, if possible I'd certainly try to aim the center down towards the listening position and regarding main speaker toe-in here's a snippet from an article by the folks at Home Theatre Sound...

"Toe-in: Some speakers sound best aimed straight forward. Others sound best when aimed right at the listener(s). Many speakers will want to be somewhere between those two extremes. Usually, the manufacturer supplies specific information about this."

Axiom does not specify toe-in within the owners manuals so I guess it's where ever works best for you. I've tried both and *at the moment* mine are in the 'somewhere between those two extremes' location. Here's the rest of that article regarding speaker positioning if your interested...Home Theatre Sound.

And oh, by the way....welcome aboard!

Our Room
