I'm confused.

I'm not trying to sound negative about the whole thing, but on the provided link "I almost went with this one" there is a before/after graph at the top of the page. Clicking to take a better look, I just don't see the results that the author (near the bottom of the page) calls:

"In a word ASTONISHING! The once muddy room now sounds fantastic! I can hear pristine mixes, much sharper sound stage ,clear imaging, much tighter bass lines. My studio has never sounded better! I feel like I'm finally getting to hear what my studio equipment and monitors can do."

Not to sound like a jerk, but after installing what the author says is "7 Bass Traps, 2 mid/high Traps, and 2 "Super Chunk" traps" I would expect results that are better than a lower-level virtual mirror of the original measurements.

I do believe in the idea of acoustic treatments and have primarily avoided trying it only because I'm already short on space. But the results that he's touting don't look very impressive to me at all!

Can someone else look at the graph and tell me....am I missing something?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::