I used the Screen Goo and I am generally satisfied with the result. 90% of the movies look "very" good. The only times when the non-uniform coats show up is if the camera pans quickly over a generally white or very light blue and gray tones. Hockey is one case where things could be more "optimal" - quick panning on white. I gave up on watching TV in the theater though so this does not really disturb me. One thing that you should take into account is that it takes a long time for the paint to "settle" and dry completely. I would say months. The non-evenness of coats was showing up much more in the first few months. In part it was my lack of experience and in part the nature of paint versus something industrial like cloth screen. I could resist the temptation of correcting little "glitches" while painting a bit better. The visual quality / reflectiveness / brightness / contrast is very good and by all means having a 110" screen of similar quality would cost a fortune that I did not want to spend. It also allowed having the screen cover the wall completely - from top to the equipment rack and from side to side.