Dave - I went home and checked and you are right, the Line In is definitely run through the crossover... so now that I know that, I have a question about wiring two EP 500s in a stereo system. I started with one EP 500 and it sounded great. I was sending it the full stereo signal (left & right channels) via speaker level inputs. I have this stereo system in a very large room (9900 cu/ft) and the base was a bit boomy/flat in a few places so I bought another EP 500 to even it out. I switched from driving one sub via the stereo high level inputs to driving each sub with one channel via the line level input. The line level signals are from the loop outs on my parasound amp. The problem is that now the sub(s) don't have the same punch. And I don't think it's a placement issue. You can just put your hand by the sub and feel that it's not producing as much movement. Even with the volume turned up very loud on the subs. Much louder than I could have turned them up when I was driving just one with the stereo high level signal. Should I be sending each sub both channels of stereo via high level inputs? But wouldn't that defeat the stereo sub effect? Any thoughts would be appreciated.