Thanks to everybody for the advise. I do have the Avia disk but I lent it to my buddy at work and he is on vacation for a few weeks so I am S.O.L. in that regard.

I previously had the surrounds at the ideal location (110 degrees) but I was so far away from the left surround I could not hear it very well. So I went with this layout. I am stuck with it that way unfortunately.

Last night, I moved the chairs back about a foot and that seemed to help out a lot.

I guess I should clarify, I hear the surrounds fine when the noise is loud (i.e. a plane flying overhead or gunfire). I just miss the subtle stuff I use to get (i.e. the leaves blowing in the wind all around me or the crickets chirping during the dialog). They system is still great, don't get me wrong. It just use to be EXCELLENT and I want that back

Thanks again for the advise. I will use the Avia disk when I get it back.

Jason J